“Ik heb heel erg genoten van de online bloemenworkshop die ik met Audrey heb gedaan (zij in Nederland, ik in Australië). We maakten samen een heel mooi bloemstuk voor de derde sterfdag van mijn vader met planten en bloemen uit mijn eigen tuin en omgeving. Ik genoot nog heel lang van mijn bloemenarrangement na. Ik was verbaasd hoe goed het werkte via het kleine schermpje op mijn telefoon en hoe plezierig het contact verliep. Audrey legde alles heel goed uit en is heel persoonlijk en inspirerend om mee te werken. Ik raad haar persoonlijke workshops van harte aan!” – Nynke van der Burg, Adelaide (Australië)
“I spent a wonderful day with Audrey who sensitively helped me create a beautiful floral arrangement for my son Alexander who died when he was a baby. Audrey guided this process with gentle empathy and intuitive understanding of what was needed on this healing journey. Thank you Audrey. I hope others get the opportunity of working with this gift that you bring.” – Dolores, Brisbane (Australia)
“De bloemenworkshop die ik bij Audrey heb gevolgd vond ik heel goed. Ze had een royale hoeveelheid prachtige bloemen ingekocht. Audrey is een professional in haar vak: ze voelt mensen goed aan, doet suggesties zonder teveel te sturen en begeleidt je op een prettige en ontspannen manier. Ik wist vooraf niet zo goed wat ik kon verwachten, maar was erg tevreden met het mooie bloemstuk. Een aanrader dus voor iedereen die iets met bloemen wil doen.” Manon, Nijmegen (Nederland)
“As a trainer Audrey is thoughtful, calm and encouraging. She can demonstrate the ‘how’ and explain the ‘why’ of good floral practice. Her instruction is delivered in a warm, professional and supportive way. She is fun, and imaginative too, and best of all, passionate about what she does.” – Eleanor, Brisbane (Australia)
“ Thank you so much Audrey. Tony loved gardening and so it was special to those who knew him
well. There were also a number of people there from Monique’s school and her Principal was very
impressed with the job she’d done with your help. I think it really helped her in so many ways doing the
flowers with you. It was the last thing she could do for her Dad. Those close to us, knew how touching it
was and they told her so. She knew I was so very proud of what she had done too. I can’t thank you
enough Audrey for what you did for us. It kept us both busy and although Monique is away this week
with Cadets, I am taking photo’s of the flowers every day and sending them to her so she can see how
the lilies are opening. They smell beautiful and fresh and make the whole house smell lovely.” – Danielle
Bolton, Brisbane (Australie)
“Maxine and I truly enjoyed the day and will treasure this experience forever! We had never done flower arranging together before this, which was a wonderful thing to do! On the way home, we shared the feeling that this day had brought us closer than we had ever been before! Thanks again Audrey!” – Marja, Brisbane (Australia)
“Audrey gaf mij een één op één workshop bloemschikken. Dankzij haar geduld, fijnzinnigheid, meedenken, handige tips en fijne sfeer, ging ik naar huis met een prachtig boeket! Zij heeft de gave om zich af te stemmen op de ander en de rust om samen te onderzoeken wat bij je past en hoe je je emotie in je bloemstuk tot uitdrukking kunt laten komen.” Floortje, Arnhem (Nederland)
“What a wonderful day it was at the Sculpture Garden. Both Ann and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I recall the lovely day every time I walk past my floral arrangement” – Barb, Brisbane (Australia)
“Some people and their ideas don’t just bring joy, they are joy. Floral arrangement expert Audrey Apon Vendrig is one of those people with those ideas. Today, via a personalized Skype workshop between Brisbane and my tiny island in Sweden, she taught me how to produce this with flowers in my garden: Lavender, Perovskia, three types of roses and something I call Rabbits’ Ears. Thank you, Audrey! I am sharing the joy.” – Julie (Sweden)
“Audrey taught me not only how to prepare and arrange the flowers, but clever tricks for best presentation and importantly how to care for the bouquet so it will last as long as possible.” – Nic, Macksville (Australia)
“Highly recommend this workshop, this creative lady is a beautiful soul and is wonderful at sharing her craft.” – Di, Brisbane (Australia)
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